Partnership « Department of international economics


The Faculty of Management and Marketing cooperates with many foreign higher education institutions

The Department of International Economics actively cooperates with such educational institutions as:

The cooperation includes student and faculty exchange programs, internships, joint projects, publications, etc.

Teachers of the department are members of the international public organization “World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development”.

The Department of International Economics is the organizer of the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “International Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Principles, Mechanisms, Efficiency”, which is attended by students, postgraduates, and scholars from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, the United States, and Ukraine.

The Department of International Economics together with the Faculty of Sociology and Law and the Mechanical Engineering Institute of Igor Sikorsky KPI are the organizers of a scientific and practical conference with international participation Conference “Creation, protection, defense and commercialization of intellectual property rights”.

The Department of International Economics trains students and postgraduates from other countries, namely from the USA, China, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Georgia, Ecuador, Jordan, Nigeria, Ghana, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Uzbekistan and others. The teaching of disciplines and their educational and methodological support is carried out in English.

With the rules of entry of foreign citizens to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Management and Marketing can be found on the website of the Center for International Education Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Students of the Department of International Economics successfully present their achievements at international competitions of scientific works. -1-, -2-

The Department of International Economics cooperates with international companies in the practical orientation of the educational process, inviting highly qualified specialists to lectures – 1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7-