International projects « Department of international economics

International projects

International project within the framework of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program SPS G6119 “Strengthening the capacity of local communities to cope with crises

International project within the framework of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program SPS G6119 “Strengthening the capacity of local communities to cope with crises” Project funded by: NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division, SPS Program, Bd. Léopold III, B-1110 Brussels, Belgium NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division, SPS Program, Bd. Léopold III, B-1110 Brussels, Belgium Project Cost: 350,000 euros Project duration: 3 years Project Leader: Poznan University of Technology Project Partner: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” The project will be implemented by: Institute of Management and Information Systems of the Faculty of Management Engineering and Department of International Economics of the Faculty of Management and Marketing Project Leader: Dr. Oksana Erdeli Project Leader from KPI: Prof. Sergiy Voitko In today’s world, which is characterized by turbulence and crises, another powerful destabilizing factor was Russia’s attack on Ukraine (February 2014). Therefore, the issue of effective crisis management is becoming a priority for politicians, local authorities, as well as for local communities and individuals not only in Ukraine but also in Poland. Effective crisis management requires the ability of the authorities to anticipate negative situations (threats, accidents, failures, disasters), prepare resources to address them, as well as the legitimacy of governance and a broad understanding of the resilience of local communities. The project involves studying the ability of those in power to exert social influence, legitimize power and social resilience in crisis management processes in Poland and Ukraine. Based on the results obtained, it is planned to develop a concept for improving the efficiency of the crisis management system in territorial communities. The project stages include analyzing the regulatory documents used by local authorities, studying the experience of overcoming crisis situations, identifying effective and ineffective crisis management practices, analyzing the phenomenon of self-organization of local communities, developing and conducting trainings for local authorities, activists and youth. Final beneficiaries of the project: The local community (about 470 thousand inhabitants) of Poznan Poviat, Wielkopolska Voivodeship (Poland) and the local community (about 300 thousand inhabitants) of Bucha district, Kyiv region (Ukraine), who will receive the following project products: A research report with recommendations. Development of roadmaps for the implementation of the MACC model (model of anti-crisis capacities of the local community) in cooperation with the end user. Advisory documentation: a comparative Polish-Ukrainian study. A set of publications for the scientific and didactic promotion of the project (monograph, interactive manual and scientific articles). Scientific meetings: seminars, conferences, summer school Series of trainings for 300 representatives of the final beneficiary Contact: Poznan University of Technology Dr. Oksana Erdeli e-mail: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Prof. Serhii Voitko e-mail:

About project

Opening of the international project

About the project in the press <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8>

International project CPEA-LT-2017/10047 «NTNU-KPI Collaboration within Industry 4.0 Education»

The Department of International Economics and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are participating in the project CPEA-LT-2017/10047 “NTNU-KPI Collaboration within Industry 4.0 Education”. The partner from Norway is NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO-NTNU), Campus: Campus Gjøvik, Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering

As part of the project, the department’s staff is developing materials for courses:

«Experts in teamwork», Associate Professor Grinko I.M.;

«Industry 4.0», Prof. S.V. Voitko;

«Manufacturing Management», Associate Professor Naraevsky S.V;

«Product Development», Associate Professor Korogodova O.O;

«Project work»,Associate Professor Kukharuk A.D., Associate Professor Skorobohatova N.E.

Lecture courses have already been developed:

“Management of international business projects. Industry 4.0” (Assoc. Prof. Kukharuk A. D.), 2019-2020 academic year: US-91mp, 5th year, in Ukrainian; US-92mp, 5th year, in English.

“Logistics in Industry 4.0” (Prof. Voitko S. V.), 2019-2020 academic year: AM-71, 3rd year, in Ukrainian; AM-61, 4th year, in Ukrainian.

Additional information:

Textbook: Войтко С. В. Управління проектами та стартапами в Індустрії 4.0 : підручник / С. В. Войтко. – Київ : КПІ ім. І. Сікорського, 2019. – 200 c.

Трансформація ЗВО в умовах Індустрії 4.0: роздуми, навіяні конференцією

Відкриття Центру Індустрії 4.0 на базі КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

Літня школа у м. Йовік, Норвегія

Лекція викладачів кафедри міжнародної економіки на Літній школі в Норвегії

Конференція ЗВО Співпраця в епоху 4.0

Розвиток технічних Університетів – підсумки конференцій грудня

More details in the telegram channel:

On September 14-17, 2020, the summer school “Sustainable Manufacturing in Industry 4.0: Technologies and Solutions” was held. Teachers of the Department of International Economics conducted a series of English-language online lectures for about 200 students of the international summer school organized by the FMM and MMI of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Norwegian University of Technology (NTNU) within the framework of the joint Ukrainian-Norwegian project “Collaboration within Industry 4.0 Education”, funded by the Diku Eurasia Program. Lecturers from the Department of International Economics and lecture topics: Serhii Voitko – “Transformation of the socio-economic system in the context of Industry 4.0”; Natalia Skorobohatova – “Efficiency of investments in Industry 4.0”; Anna Kukharuk – “Competition 4.0”; Olena Korohodova – “Product development taking into account the needs and desires of the consumer”.

As part of the project, teachers and students of the department participated in a summer school on September 08-13, 2019, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In particular, teachers of the Department of International Economics gave a lecture in English on “Sustainable development processes under Industry 4.0 conditions”. The audience was 53 people, including 40 students from around the world. The lecture material defines the content of sustainable development processes and features of Industry 4.0, provides examples of the application of the provisions of the Industry 4.0 concept at industrial enterprises, and discusses the positive effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as possible negative consequences. The lecturers acquainted the audience with the areas of research and the basics of calculating the sustainable development index and ranking countries according to the methodology of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the scientific guidance of the rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician M. Z. Zgurovsky. The theoretical and applied provisions of harmonization of sustainable development processes in the world were defined. During the lecture, answers were given to the questions of the audience, which recognized the approach of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to assessing the level of sustainable development of countries of the world as deserving of special attention in view of its validity and consistency.


The summer school included lectures, workshops, and an excursion to the Industrial Park.

International credit academic mobility of students under the Eurasia program at the Norwegian University of Natural and Technical Sciences (NTNU), Jovik, Norway.

In January 2022, we, together with three students from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, came to one of the largest universities in Norway, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which has campuses in three cities: Gjøvik, Trondheim and Ålesund. We study in Gjøvik, on the shores of the largest lake on Mjøsa, a small and very cozy city.

The approach to teaching disciplines at the university is very different from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute: due to the smaller number of subjects, they are studied in greater depth; many guest lectures from representatives of local companies; group projects in all subjects; many references to scientific articles and practical cases. NTNU has a strong base in areas related to Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, and innovation. Our mobility takes place within the framework of the joint project of the Department of International Economics and the Mechanical Engineering Institute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute CPEA-LT-2017/10047 “NTNU-KPI Collaboration within Industry 4.0 Education”.

Since the beginning of the active phase of the war in Ukraine, representatives of the international department of the university (Madeleine Midtgaard, Nina Sofie Holt, Joakim P. Berg), as well as the administration and students, have been supporting us with all their might. We are very grateful to them for this. Even before the war started, we planned to hold a Ukrainian Day on February 26 to introduce everyone to our culture and customs. Preparing for the event helped us to fight anxiety and stress due to the active war. We talked about the war and how important it is to fight for freedom together, talked about culture and customs, nature, and treated everyone to Ukrainian borsch, dumplings, stuffed cabbage and other dishes. The students were impressed and very touched. We held charity events to raise funds to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Even though we are not in Ukraine, we are very concerned about the situation and want to help as much as we can. We have attended rallies in support of Ukraine and to cut all ties with Russia.

We all want to come back to Ukraine and participate in the rebuilding of our economy, applying the knowledge we have gained in Norway. We hope that the cooperation between Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and NTNU will continue in the future, as the exchange of experience is very important and useful for both universities. Glory to Ukraine!

Tetiana Rospopchuk, student of the US-11mp group

Also, teachers of the Department of International Economics participate in the implementation of other international projects -1- -2- -3- -4- -5-