Admission / Admission 2024 « Department of international economics

Admission to / Admission 2024

The department trains bachelors, masters, and doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.):

  • Field of knowledge – 05 Social and behavioral sciences
  • Specialty – 051 Economics
  • Educational program – International Economics (for bachelors and masters)
Students majoring in International Economics can:
  • analyze the factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise;
  • conduct marketing research of foreign markets;
  • develop enterprise development strategies;
  • carry out economic calculations and justification of innovation and investment projects;
  • develop mechanisms and evaluate the economic efficiency of international scientific and technical cooperation;
  • to solve accounting and analytical tasks related to domestic and international commercial transactions;
  • organize, control, and coordinate the implementation of international contracts and projects.

The terms of entry can be found below at the links:

Information about Igor Sikorsky KPI

Detailed information about the rules of admission in 2024

Application form Employment