International scientific and practical conference “International scientific and technical cooperation: principles, mechanisms, efficiency”
The international conference has been held by the Department of International Economics since 2005.The purpose of the conference is to discuss topical issues and ways of organizing effective international scientific and technical cooperation, ensuring innovation and investment development of the economy.
Thematic areas of the conference: 1. Innovations in the system of ensuring sustainable development of the country and the world. 2. The role of the state in the development of international scientific and technical cooperation. 3. National innovation systems and Industry 4.0: problems of formation and efficiency. 4. Scientific and technical cooperation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian industry. 5. State and trends in the development of financial instruments of international scientific and technical cooperation.
Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Efficiency of Engineering Solutions in Instrumentation”
An inter-faculty conference of the Instrumentation Department and the Faculty of Management and Marketing (FMM), launched in 2005. It covers the economic component of engineering training for specialists to work in high-tech, knowledge-intensive sectors of the national economy.Міжфакультетська конференція приладобудівного (ПБФ) і факультету менеджменту та маркетингу (ФММ), започаткована 2005 року. Охоплює економічну складову інженерної підготовки фахівців для роботи у високотехнологічних, наукомістких сферах національної економіки.All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Creation, Protection, Defense, and Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights”
The Institute of Mechanical Engineering (MMI), the Faculty of Sociology and Law (FSP), and the Faculty of Management and Marketing (FMM) launched a joint conference in 2018. It covers issues of creation, protection, enforcement and commercialization of intellectual property and is dedicated to International Intellectual Property Day. The conference will cover the following topics:- Intellectual Property Law and Information Law: Interrelation.
- Patent case in Ukraine.
- Protection and examination of intellectual property.
- Identification of problems of infringement of intellectual property rights and ways to solve them: world and national experience.
- Protection and disposal of intellectual property rights in innovative activities.
- Commercialization of intellectual property rights.
- Technology transfer.
- Unfair competition in the field of intellectual property.
- Copyright protection in social networks.