There are Work Practice, Research Practice and Pre-diploma Practice – professional training of students, one of the most important component of the curriculum. The content of the practice is determined by the educational-professional characteristics and educational-professional programs of preparation of bachelors, specialists and masters within the specialization “International Economics”.
  1. The curriculum preparation of bachelors provides Work Practice in 6th semester for 3 weeks and Pre-diploma Practice in the 8th semester for 4 weeks in accordance with the theme of the bachelors’ project.
  2. The curriculum of educational qualification Specialist provides Pre-diploma Practice in the 10th semester for 3 weeks in accordance with the theme of the bachelors’ project.
  3. Educational-qualifying level Master provides Research Practice in 11th semester for 4 weeks and Pre-diploma Practice in the 11th semester for 9 weeks in accordance with the theme of the degree project.
Department of International Economics of NTUU “KPI” sign agreements with enterprises, research institutes, ministries. Documents for carrying out practice are at