News « Department of international economics


Joint seminar on the subject of National Economy for students of the 2nd year of the specialty 051 Economics EP International Economy on the topic “Social policy of the state” (May 03, 2023)   On May 03, 2023, a joint seminar was held for second-year students of the International Economics educational program, specializing in Economics […]

KPMG lecture on “Fundamentals of audit in investment analysis” (April 11, 2023) On April 11, 2023, an open lecture was held for students of the Department of International Economics with the participation of Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics Natalia Skorobogatova and specialists from KPMG on the topic “Audit Fundamentals in Investment Analysis”. […]

On December 6, 2022, a scientific seminar on the socio-economic aspects of crisis management was held. The organizers of the seminar were the Faculty of Management Engineering of the Poznan University of Technology and the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. The participants of […]

On November 23, a lecture with the participation of Natalia Skorobogatova, associate professor of the Department of International Economics, and specialists from the company “KPMG in Ukraine” on the topic “Accounting and auditing in the conditions of computer data processing” was held. The use of information and communication technologies has become widespread in all spheres […]

On November 22th, 2022, teachers of FMM held an international webinar – online lectures of the Digital and Entrepreneurship Academy which has been organized in cooperation with the Alliance of Guangzhou International Sister-City Universities (GISU) on the topic: “International scientific and technical cooperation and Entrepreneurship 4.0”. The lecturers of the webinar are teachers of the […]

The University of Córdoba is located in a very historical and therefore tourist city of Córdoba with a population of just over 300,000 people. There are so many traditional celebrations and historical sites as nowhere else in Spain. The university has 12 faculties, 250 specialties. The university also includes 100 research centers, 25 libraries and […]

ДЕНЬ ВІДКРИТИХ ДВЕРЕЙ ФММ❗️ 💡Коли: 📅 30 квітня ⏰ 11:00 Поговоримо про: ⭐️ освітні програми факультету: їх особливості та актуальність ⭐️ досвід студентів: ким можна стати після закінчення ФММ? ⭐️ лайфхаки в написанні мотиваційних листів ❗️Запрошуємо всіх абітурієнтів та їх батьків долучитись до онлайн-зустрічі в Zoom⬇️ Ідентифікатор конференції: 817 0697 9919 Код доступа: 468687 […]

Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics Olena Korohodova is currently at the University of Montenegro on the academic mobility program. The invited lecturer gave an interview to the central media of Montenegro “Pobjeda”. The associate professor told about her big family – Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute  and said that every morning for […]

Associate Professor Olena Korohodova is currently at the University of Montenegro as a visiting professor in the academic mobility program. Olena Korohodova’s visit with colleague Alla Hrechko became possible thanks to the cooperation of the University of Montenegro and the Ukrainian academic community. On March 28, professors of Igor Sikorsky KPI met with the Dean […]