Principles of training specialists « Department of international economics

Principles of training specialists

Among the key tasks of the department’s scientific and pedagogical activities:

  • training of highly qualified economists;
  • competitive in the domestic and global labor markets;
  • who successfully navigate the trends of development
  • of science and technology;
  • are proficient in computer programs;
  • know several foreign languages;
  • well-mannered;
  • have their own opinion and respect the opinions of others.
Under the tasks of training specialists, the department’s scientific and pedagogical activities are based on five principles:


One of the most important skills of an economist, engineer, or manager is the ability to make well-informed and comprehensively justified decisions. The main tool for justification is undoubtedly economic calculations, primarily the assessment of the effectiveness of engineering and business decisions. The task of the department is to provide students with the methodological and scientific foundations of the economic apparatus for justifying decisions.


An economist’s competitive advantage is the ability to apply mathematical tools in management. The vast majority of Nobel Prize winners in economics have gained worldwide recognition for their economic and mathematical models. The high dynamism of the factors of the enterprise market environment and activities in conditions of uncertainty increases the relevance of such skills as forecasting, modeling, and optimization in making management decisions. This principle is implemented by the department by saturating economic disciplines with elements of economic and mathematical modeling, formalizing economic processes, and using mathematical tools by students in their course and diploma works.


Innovation is one of the key factors in the success of economic activity and the growth of competitiveness of national enterprises and the state in global markets. The real creator, and often the source of innovation, is the engineer (Latin for “creator of the new”). Engineers (inventors, designers, technologists) are directly involved in creating new products and improving their quality and consumer characteristics. Design and technological innovations, the use of new advanced materials, etc. are significant sources of reducing resource intensity and, consequently, production costs. Students of the department receive the basics of engineering knowledge through the following disciplines: engineering and computer graphics, technology systems, as well as a number of related disciplines: industrial commodity science, feasibility study of engineering solutions, production organization, etc. The department’s teachers regularly organize excursions for students to industrial enterprises in Kyiv, where they get acquainted with advanced technologies and modern methods of production and management organization.


The department has a modern computer classroom with 23 workstations with Internet access, where students have the opportunity to work both during and after school hours. Lectures and practical classes are conducted by teachers using multimedia technology, and students have access to electronic lecture notes and methodological guidelines. To develop professional skills of application software users, students study such disciplines as economic informatics, information systems and technologies in international economics, and information systems in international business. The practice of creating websites for teachers and individual disciplines is gradually being introduced to improve the quality of training and provide distance learning via the Internet.


To ensure a strong language background, students study foreign languages for nine semesters (the absolute maximum among all other disciplines in the curriculum). In addition, students of the department master at least two foreign languages (English and German, French or Spanish). Teachers use the latest technologies for learning English with the help of authentic Internet texts in the field of economics and management. Open lectures by foreign experts are periodically held. Students also have the opportunity to write a diploma thesis in a foreign language and defend it before the state examination commission.

Finally, one of the key principles is compliance with the anti-corruption program, which can be found here:

Anti-Corruption Program of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”